Do you believe that we have survival instincts? Surely, this is one of the controversial psychological and physiological topic that garnered controversy. Nowadays, it is almost explainable by a solid scientific proof. Pain and stress are two of the aspects of our fight-and-flight mechanism that can force us to do something about what is causing them. At times, they come as a powerful combination when pain is the root cause of stress. However, there can be these unfortunate times that no matter how much we desire to remove the pain, we can do nothing. One such instance is during gout attacks. Surely enough, the pain indicates that something is not supposed to be in there, but we are left helpless. We can’t just cut our limbs off to remove the pain. Hence, the idea of taking multiple medications to ease the pain was born (even if those medications were not prescribed at all). This article aims to answer the question “can I take colchicine and ibuprofen together?” ...
Modern day medicine has advanced to a rate that most modern diseases have a mortal enemy in the form of a drug. Sadly, it advanced so fast that our understanding of its deadly side-effects is left too far behind. Contrary to popular belief, even the most common medication we use can damage us. Many were deprived of their lives simply because medications are released even if its side effects are yet unknown and then withdrawn from the market. Some drugs however, remain in circulation in the market despite their deadly side-effects because no other solution is accepted yet. These drug’s side-effects are as deadly as those who were withdrawn from the market. One good example of this is allopurinol side effects. Liver disease, severe skin diseases and hypersensitivity syndromes are some of its deadly effects. This article aims to explain the side effects of allopurinol affecting the liver The Liver The liver is a bustling industrial zone filled with both manufact...