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Chronic Tophaceous Gout Symptoms

     Gout gives you and the people you love undeserved pain, suffering and stress. What if I tell you that there is a form of gout that is PAINLESS? Would you like to downgrade to that form of gout? I don’t think so. Tophaceous gout is painless, yet it will give you suffering, discomfort and not to mention obstruction.

     This article aims to explain details about tophaceous gout. What is it? And how do you treat this almost painless devil?

Tophaceous Gout is Discomfort Given Form

     Tophaceous gout, also known as chronic tophaceous gout and sometimes referred to as Harrison Syndrome, is a type of gout with no inflammation. Still, there is a protruding nodule in the affected joint. Take note that there may still be seasons of gout flare-ups which can still be VERY VERY VERY VERY PAINFUL.

     Tophaceous gout has this protruding nodule that does not subside. It is not the swollen joint that protrudes. It is tophus.

     Tophus (plural is tophi) is a white-yellowish chalky nodule that appears underneath the skin. Usually, it appears in the earlobes and the outer ear. But, in the case of Harrison Syndrome, it appears on the joint itself. It can vary in size, ranging from microscopic to the size of a baseball. Weirdly, it rarely hurts. Does this make it a downgraded form of gout? NO.

     If bad luck strikes, the tophaceous deposit will form in places you never imagined, such as the kidneys, pancreas, penis and inner ear! OUCH.  Needless to say, tophaceous deposit in the pancreas and the kidney can be severely damaging. Take a look at this case of gouty tophi in the pancreas.
Tophus can also decide to appear in places where it can be very hindering. Just imagine a tophaceous deposit growing in the fingers! In that case you may not even be able to type and even reach this blog post. Added to this is the fact that tophus can be very damaging to your joints, cartilage or wherever it is growing. Thus, if the tophaceous deposit is ever removed it is quite possible that it has already done immeasurable amounts of damage.

Tophaceous Gout is A Bad Omen

     Tophus is a sign that your body is already crying, weeping and screaming for HEEEEEEEEEEELP! Why? Read on throughout the rest of this article.

     Tophus is made of uric acid. Tophaceous gout the size of a baseball? That is a large chunk of uric acid. But, we both know that the body is able to take care of its own trash. It is very effective in terms of excreting uric acid. This means that something is DEFINITELY wrong. How does it come that a fistful amount of uric acid accumulated if our body is EXTREMELY effective in terms of eliminating uric acid?

     Tophaceous gout is an omen that your body is in an acidotic state. Your body is infested with too much acids. Lactic acid, oxalic acid etc. Name it. Most of them are very bad for you. As too much acids begin to exist, the kidneys will be distracted by too much tasks at hand. It has to allocate its power in order to excrete all those acids, thus leaving less space for uric acid to be excreted. That said, tophaceous gout is a good sign that you are suffering from acidosis. Given the toxicity of modern life and diet, it is no longer unusual for a person to suffer from acidosis.

     Acidosis will be bad for you. Gout is just the beginning of what it can do. An acidotic body is very susceptible to a plethora of diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, different types of cancer and many others.


     Chronic tophaceous gout, Harrison Syndrome or whatever you want to call it is a disease that serves as a beacon for your future suffering to come. It is a sign that your body is crying for help, and you better grant that help. For starters, you should eliminate acidosis. This will let your body dissolve the existing uric acid crystal.

chronic tophaceous gout


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