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How Can Gouty Tophi Be Dissolved Naturally?

The answer is... YES! But it's going to take as much time as the gouty tophus took to form to the current stage. Take a look a the video below to get an idea that gouty tophi can be dissolved naturally.

But before we can talk about dissolving the existing gouty tophi, we have to focus how to stop the further formation or growth of the tophi FIRST. It makes no sense if you are try to dissolve on one end while it's still growing on the other end.

First of all you have to stop eating all high purine foods or foods that are known to be able to trigger gout attack. Then you will have to start consuming more alkaline foods, generally are mostly green leafy vegetables to increase the alkaline minerals content in the body. Alkaline minerals play a very important role in 'pulling' the uric acid molecules out from the giant crystal unit of gouty tophi, alkaline mineral serves as a powerful magnet that can disengage the building blocks of the gouty tophus.

Once the uric acid molecule is free from the tophus structure, it will be dissolved in the body fluid, so the next step is to 'move' the fluid with high concentration of uric acid back in to bloodstream so it can be sent to the kidneys for removal through urine. Thus, you need to drink water frequently to help the flushing process.

The logic and science is very simple, but it is very hard to be applied by most gout patients because... TIME. Modern people are so used to instant cure or instant result, most people will lose the patience and start to doubt about it when they don't see much shrinking in the size of the tophus even after a few months of applying the above mentioned methods. They work! You just need to be patient. It took years for the tophi to grow to visible size, so don't expect them to go away in just a few months.

Try soak your feet (assuming the gouty tophi are there) every night before you got bed. High temperature can increase the rate of crystal melting, and also help improve the blood circulation which is important for carry out the removal process.

CLICK! to find out more... 

Hemen Ee has helped thousands of gout patients getting rid of their gout pain by neutralizing those excessive uric acid through 100% natural methods. Check out some of his e-books and get a new perspective of gout at


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