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Gout Attack at Sacroiliac Joint - WORST Kind of Gout!

What do you think is the worst kind of gout? Is it in the ankle? Surely, the pain there will leave you unable to walk without crutch, especially if the uric acid crystal begins to protrude. Or is it in the wrist? Elbow? No matter where your gout is, it will surely obstruct you. But, there is one case of gout that is very obstructive. Gout in sacroiliac joint is probably one of the worst gout attack you will encounter.

Sacroilac Joint

Sacroilac joint is one of the least known to the common people. Nevertheless, it is one of the most important. It connects the sacrum of the spine to the hips. The sacrum is a section of the spine near the lumbar spine and the coccyx or tail bone. This means that the sacrum supports your entire upper body! This also means that gout attack in the sacroiliac joint will hamper the movement of your body from any direction. If gout in the ankle will prevent you from standing up, he gout in the sacroiliac joint will prevent you from standing up, laying down and any other movement involving the other parts of your body (and almost all movements of your body involves the upper body, with the exception of the movement of the limbs).

It is usually difficult to diagnose gout attack in the sacroiliac joint because it has similar characteristic to many other diseases, such as sacroiliac joint dysfunction, sacroiliac arthritis, septic arthritis and other types of arthritis. In some cases, the gouty tophi is the cause of sacroiliac joint dysfunction as it limits the movement of the joint.

The question now is. . .

How does the uric acid end up in the sacroiliac joint?

Just like any other synovial joints out there, the sacroiliac joint contains synovial fluids. The synovial fluids are a juicy target for gout to attack. This is because if there is too much acids in the body, the uric acids may end up seeping anywhere there is synovial fluids such as the ankles, knees, elbows, wrist, inside the ears and many other joints.

How come it ends up in the synovial fluids? Actually the pathway of uric acid in your body is quite complex. First, purine from the food you eat and from the cells that die in your body is broken down into uric acid. Purine is a molecule that is too large to be filtered by your body. Hence, your body has to break it down in order to flush it out. Unfortunately, the excretory system is not a factory with an infinite manpower, therefore, it can only flush out limited volumes of uric acid at a time. The unprocessed uric acid has to be stored somewhere in your body because letting them in the bloodstream will increase the acidity of the blood, which will be very unhealthy for you. Sadly, even the interstitial space is limited and will become full if you keep on taking uric acid more than what your body can process. The next chosen victim will be the synovial fluids. Further uric acid will seep there, ending up crystallizing. Then, as your body detects the crystal, your immune system will try to resist the “invading body” thus causing pain as they fail to destroy the invader.

The Solution. . .

If the fact that gout can attack the sacroiliac joint gives you the desire to eliminate gout once and for all, then worry not. There is a solution for you. You simply have to focus on what is causing gout which is uric acid! The fact is, it is not just uric acid. The acids existing prior to the arrival of uric acid dominates the interstitial space thus leaving less storage space for your uric acid. Hence, you have to eliminate them. Eliminate acidosis!

Are you tired of being awakened late midnight by the burning inflammation of gout? Are you tired of the everyday obstruction caused by inflamed joints? Or maybe you are tired of horrifying cries of pain from the people you love who suffer from gout? You are missing a lot of things because of the restraints of gout. You want freedom? Worry no more. There is a natural yet effective approach in eliminating those problems. Mark my words: kill the roots and the grass will no longer grow. Eliminate acidosis and cure your gout!


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