If you are reading this, most probably it is because you are beginning to notice a weird lump bulging in certain part of your hand or foot, or may be a tiny little white dot around your earlobe. You may have consulted the doctor or asked around trying to get a clear picture of what this weird lump is.
Chances are that "tophi lump" is the answer you got, but there are very little clue details explanation on how does tophi lump form, and why they tend to favor certain parts of the body. Generally, the doctors will on tell you it is a result of high uric acid level in your body and you need to control you diet in order to prevent the tophi lump from growing bigger. Ironically, no matter how hard you to control you diet, it seems like the lump is gradually increases its size and new ones are forming too. That, somehow make you nervous or helpless.
In order to prevent the growth of tophi lumps or even eliminate the existing ones, you must have a clear picture on how does tophi lump form so that you can track down its path of formation and unroot it once and for all.
Tophus usually begin as a tiny little crystal, if the uric acid concentration surrounding this tiny little "crystal seed" remains about saturation point, more and more uric acid molecules will bond on this seed and eventually it snowball to become a tophi lump. One thing you need to pay attention is that as the tophi snowball gains momentum, the growth rate of tophi lump can speed up very fast. I've seen cases where a small tophi grew to cover half of the hand within just one short year!
Gouty tophi tend to form in the parts of the body which has lower temperature such as your fingers and earlobes which has high surface to volume ratio, this is because crystallization happens more frequently under low temperature. The only way to effectively remove tophi lumps is by dissolving it naturally with help of alkaline ionic calcium.
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