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Is Gouty Tophi Removal Possible?

The formation of gouty tophi is the result of excessive accumulation of urate crystals beneath the skin surface. This is a direct result of long term exposure to high uric acid in the body. Gouty tophus or tophi (many) usually begin as a soft little swollen lump on the skin surface, often seen around the earlobe and area of joints.

Many people tend to ignore it when it small and soft, thinking that it will disappear by itself over time. As they drag it for weeks, months and years... The soft lumps grow larger and harden to become a stone-like structure. If it is already reached this stage, it is quite hard for the doctor to remove the gouty tophi through surgery because possible part of the tophus has already entangled with some body tissues and it is very risky to just simply cut it out. 

Thus, it is best to take action while the gouty tophi are still 'young' and soft, the procedure is very simple, just poke the swollen lump with a sharp sterile needle and squeeze out the white pus-like liquid (urate crystals) from the opening. If the tophus is small, you can DIY it yourself at home, just make the needle you use is clean and free from bacteria. But if there are just too many of them, then it is best that you leave the gouty tophi removal task to the professionals in the hospital. 

But if your condition is kinda too late or challenging for any surgery to be conducted, then there is an alternative way of gouty tophi removal which is through the help of ionized alkaline water. Good luck! All the best!

Hemen Ee has helped thousands of gout patients getting rid of their gout pain by neutralizing those excessive uric acid through 100% natural methods. Check out some of his e-books and get a new perspective of gout at


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