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Gout and RED Eyes

Hyperuricemia alone, even without gout, can cause many troubling and sometimes peculiar effect. Some are less understood yet causes fear. What more if gout is present in the crime scene? A perfect instance of the peculiar effects of gout is the reddening of the eye. This article aims to explain the relation between gout and red eye. Surely, along the way you will realize that you should eliminate gout now, once and for all.

Gout in the eyes. . . is it even POSSIBLE?

First and foremost, there is no hype here. YES. Gout happens in the eyes. The very same burning pain in the joints can be experienced in the eyes, and terrifyingly, the protruding node, along with tophi, occurs in the eyes as well. In fact, gout can happen in many part of the eyes. Here is a list of parts asymptomatically and symptomatically affected from this research study.
Periocular region: Eyelid, lateral canthus, medial canthus

• Tophi deposition
• Bilateral conjunctival vessel hyperaemia,
•Dilated and tortuous bulbar conjunctival vessels
• Subconjunctival haemorrhage
• Subconjunctival transparent vesicles
• Chronic conjunctivitis
• Tophi deposition
• Scleritis ± tenonitis
• Nodular episcleritis
• Episcleritis periodica fugax
• Episcleral vessel hyperaemia
• Tophi deposition in corneal epithelium, stroma and Bowman's layer
• Marginal corneal ulcers
• Iritis
• Uveitis
• Tophi deposition within iris and anterior chamber
• Cortical cataract
• Orbital mass of urate crystals—periocular pain and ptosis
Vitreous body
• Asteroid hyalosis
• Central retinal vein occlusion and branch retinal artery occlusion
Optic Disc
• Optic disk oedema

• Raised intraocular pressure

A very long list right? So how does this happen? 

The fluids in your eyes have very low capacity as a solvent, in a sense that a glass of fluid from the eye has a very low chance of dissolving coffee. This means that monosodium urate crystals that ended up in your eye will not be dissolved properly. And yes, the uric acid can end up in the eye. It can end up anywhere as it travels through your blood. Hence, tophi can form in the eye in the lower and upper eyelids, the lateral and medial canthus (the canthus is where the eyelids meet) and even in the uvea! Added to the dilemma is the cold temperature of the eye. This can easily cause uric acid to crystallize. This can lead to a variety of conditions ranging from lesions in the eyes to mere irritations and even complete blindness! Hence red eyes should not be ignored when you have gout, though you should not be misled that it is always the gout that causes the red eye. However, it is better to be safe than sorry.

Other Peculiar Effects of Gout

Aside from ocular effects, gout can also affect critically important parts of the body, such as the spine. Furthermore, as mentioned above, hyperuricemia alone can cause further damage. For instance, because of the presence of too much uric acid in your body, the acid-alkaline balance of your blood is ruined. When there is too much acids, there will be too much freely floating hydrogen atoms. You should know that hydrogen atoms are the epitome of perfect free radicals.

Free radicals only has one desire: find a pair for their electron! This is because atoms should have even electrons. Each electron should have a pair. If an excess electron is not paired, it reacts with other unpaired electrons from other atoms thus altering the chemical composition of the cells in your body making them malfunction and can even cause cancer. Therefore, it is very important to get rid of gout and hyperuricemia as soon as possible.

Are you tired of being awakened late midnight by the burning inflammation of gout? Are you tired of the everyday obstruction caused by inflamed joints? Or maybe you are tired of horrifying cries of pain from the people you love who suffer from gout? You are missing a lot of things because of the restraints of gout. You want freedom? Worry no more. There is a natural yet effective approach in eliminating those problems. Mark my words: kill the roots and the grass will no longer grow. Eliminate acidosis and cure your gout!


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