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SPINAL GOUT - Gout in Lumbar Spine

Where do you expect your gout attack next? In the ankles? The knees? Elbows? Or maybe the wrists? What if I tell you that it can attack your spine next? Needless to say, it is very damaging.
And yes, it happens. Gout happens in the spine, just like how it happens inside the ears, the nose, and even the male private part. Gout happens virtually anywhere as long as the condition meets the criteria for gout. It is like a terrorist striking fear in the most unexpected places at the most unexpected times.

This article will tackle an unexpected and very damaging version of gout. SPINAL GOUT- the name itself strikes fear.

Gout in the Spine, is it POSSIBLE?

It is not just possible. Gout in the spine happens. Check out this case of gout in the lumbar spine, and this case of gout in the thoracic spine. Those cases are relatively old. Just imagine the number of sufferers today. In the second case, the sufferer is from Hong Kong. What more if it is from the western countries with high purine diet?

Lumbar Spine

The human spine, an important foundation of our body’s skeletal and nervous system, is very complex in nature. It is composed of 24 vertebrae, and are further classified into sections. The lumbar spine is found near the bottom, before the sacrum and the coccyx.
Each vertebra is conjoined by facet joints which are then encapsulated by the “joint capsule”, a watertight structure composed of tissues, ligaments and synovial fluids to reduce the friction between the joints.
Gout attacks joints with synovial fluids. Hence, the spine is no exception.

Why Does Gout Attack through the Synovial Fluids?

The explanation here can be found by digging cellular science a little bit.
Your body is supposed to be able to flush your daily uric acid out. However, there will be times that your liver will be too occupied to do so. This occurs when there is too much toxins and acids in your body. Too much acidity in the bloodstream have to be taken care of, hence, your body employs a wide array of defense, including storing uric acid in the interstitial space until they can be processed.
Imagine your trash can at home. It will not overflow as long as the garbage collector collects garbage. But what if your daily garbage is too much? The trash can will be full mid-week, and you will have to improvise, such as by using plastic bags to contain the trash, or even putting it in places that are not supposed to store your trash! This is the case of your body. If the input of uric acid (coming from purine) is too high, then your body will have to improvise and store it in places, such as the interstitial space. When even the interstitial space is full, uric acid seeps further into the synovial fluids. Here, it crystallizes triggering an attack from your immune system thus causing pain.

The Solution. . .

Now back to the trash can. What will cause it to be full easier? When it is not just you who throws garbage in it. If your family uses it as well, then it will become full even if you haven’t thrown your own trash yet! In the case of your body, it is the presence of other acids that makes the storage get full easily. Therefore, there is only one solution to your problem: eliminate acidosis! Trust me: without acids, including the uric acid, there will be no gout to fear. It will not grow in the spine now will it grow anywhere. Reverse acidosis and you can reverse your gout.

Are you tired of being awakened late midnight by the burning inflammation of gout? Are you tired of the everyday obstruction caused by inflamed joints? Or maybe you are tired of horrifying cries of pain from the people you love who suffer from gout? You are missing a lot of things because of the restraints of gout. You want freedom? Worry no more. There is a natural yet effective approach in eliminating those problems. Mark my words: kill the roots and the grass will no longer grow. Eliminate acidosis and cure your gout!


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