What is gout? To those who does not suffer it, gout is gout. It is a painful inflammation of the joints. To those who had an unfortunate encounter with the disease, it is something more. Finally, to those who lived to know gout, gout is not just gout. It can be classified, just like a dog is not just a dog but can be a Chihuahua, Doberman or many other breeds.
This article aims to explain the difference between chronic gout vs acute gout.
Gout. What is it?
Without the word “gout”, we will simply have “chronic” and “acute”. Hence, we have to explain gout first.
Gout, as mentioned above, is characterized by a painful inflammation of the joints. It is a kind of arthritis resulting from the crystallization of uric acid deposited to the ball-and-socket joints ( or wherever gout decided to attack). Uric acid is not normally deposited in the synovial joints, that is why not everyone suffers from gout. Uric acid is normally flushed out by the excretory system. However, when there is too much uric acid, the body has to temporarily store uric acid to avoid acidosis. Because of this, uric acid is forced into the interstitial fluids (tissue fluids). If even the interstitial fluids runs out of space, uric acid has to be stored elsewhere, such as the synovial fluids of the synovial (ball-and-socket) joints. At high volumes and cold temperatures, the uric acid crystallizes thus attracting the attention of the neutrophils, our innate immune system’s footsoldiers that are in-charge of the expulsion of foreign bodies such as the uric acid crystal. If the neutrophils fail to do so (and they will surely fail because they can not engulf inorganic materials), they will send chemicals to signal pain and inflammation. Gout attack.
Now that we know about gout, let us move to the comparison of chronic gout vs acute gout.
Acute Gout
Acute gout is simply a gout attack. That’s it. Gout flare. However, it is not a simple as it sounds. It is as painful as the word “acute” suggests. It usually happens at the night. Those who suffer, or the people they love, are awakened by a burning pain or a cringe-worthy scream of agony. This timing is not a coincidence. Gout attacks in the night because of the relatively lower temperatures. Such temperature is a major factor to the build-up of uric acid crystals.
Chronic Gout
Chronic gout, as the name suggests, is gout THAT LASTS A LIFE TIME. It can be caused by the genetic disorder Lesch-Nyhann syndrome which causes abnormal uric acid levels. Chronic gout can also be caused.
Put simply, chronic gout is a condition where a person will suffer from chains of acute gout for his entire life (except when he take the meds), or at least, that is what we grew to believe.
Chronic Gout vs Acute Gout
At the end of the day gout will be gout. Dobermans are still dogs. I do not mean that chronic gout is less painful than acute gout. What I mean is both of these are REVERSIBLE. Yes. You read it right. You can remove the “chronic” and “acute” words, and even gout itself!
Chronic gout does not have to be chronic. However, YOU NEED AN OPEN MIND.
First of all, YOUR MEDS DOES NOT CURE GOUT. Allopurinol, febuxostat and colchicine are all trickeries that fool you into believing you are cured. You can read the individual articles to find out more.
Next, YOU CAN NOT CURE GOUT. I know I sound contradictive. Before introducing chronic gout vs acute gout I said that they can not be cured, then I said it can be cured, and now I claim it can not. Well, the truth is, it can not be, BUT YOU CAN CURE THE ROOTS! Without the roots, gout will vanish like magic.
The question now is, what is the root? The answer is, URIC ACID! Wihout uric acid, there will be no gout. Without gout there will be no pain. NO PAIN! End uric acid and you can end your suffering.
The process of reversing uric acid is a looooong subject, but mark my words: IT IS INTERESTING AND WORTH IT.
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