Does Gout Go Away If You Stop Drinking? Does Your DEBT Disappears If you Stop Borrowing? Of course NOT!
Does Gout Go Away If You Stop Drinking? Does Your DEBT Disappears If you Stop Borrowing? Of course NOT!
Usually, we avoid the things that gave us disease. Have diabetes? Go avoid sugar-rich foods. Unfortunately, there is this common misconception that avoiding these factors is a treatment method by itself.
Along with the prayer wishing gout to go away by itself, gout sufferers who drinks beer and any other alcoholic beverages avoids those bottles of pleasure. Unfortunately, this prayer will usually go unanswered.
This article aims to explain why steering clear of alcoholic beverages alone is not enough to cure your gout.
Why is beer so bad for a gout sufferer?
Gout is the uric acid crystallization in the joints. As the uric acid crystallizes, your body launches autoimmune responses considering the crystal as a foreign substance. Hence, pain and inflammation begins. The keyword here is uric acid.
Now, is beer rich in uric acid? Nope. But is rich in purine, the source of uric acid!
Your body needs purine, but not in excess. Hence, a big percentage of the purine is broken down into uric acid to be excreted. Purine can not be excreted in its form, so it has to be broken down. Therefore, almost all those purine in beer has to be broken down into uric acid.
Debt and Interest
Say you owe someone a hundred bucks, promised to return it after a couple of days. The couple of days passed, and here goes that someone to collect your payment. Unfortunately, you were not able to comply. After a few hours of persuasion you promised to pay back after another weeK. The week passed and here goes collection day again. Instead of paying back, you ask for an additional hundred bucks debt! The debtor agrees, but at ten percent interest. The next time he came, you were not able to pay, but at least you did not ask for more. The question now is, will your debt decrease?
Of course not! In fact your debt will grow because of the 10% interest. Next time the 200 bucks credit will become 220! Then 242, 266.2, 292.82, 322.1 and more! As you see, the growth is exponential. From an additional 20 bucks, it became 22, 26.2 and growing! The very same happens in your gout.
The Seed Crystal
Say, you stop taking beer. The uric acid level will no longer fluctuate up. Unfortunately, the tophaceous deposit, or the uric acid crystal, will not easily lose size and volume because uric acid has a very low solubility in the human body. This means that it will almost not dissolve by itself.
The situation is far worsened by its exponential growth. First, there is a very slim chance of forming a uric acid crystal, because uric acid will not usually end up in the synovial fluids of the joints.
Unfortunately, uric acid will end up being “planted” into the synovial fluids if you have too much uric acid and other acids in your body. The reason for this is the fact that your bloodstream’s pH has to be balanced. Since too much acids in the body can upset this balance, it has to cope up by temporarily storing the unexcreted acids into the interstitial space and eventually in the synovial fluids.
Unfortunately, uric acid will end up being “planted” into the synovial fluids if you have too much uric acid and other acids in your body. The reason for this is the fact that your bloodstream’s pH has to be balanced. Since too much acids in the body can upset this balance, it has to cope up by temporarily storing the unexcreted acids into the interstitial space and eventually in the synovial fluids.
This improves the chance of forming a uric acid crystal. When the volume reaches saturation point, small seed crystals form. An individual seed crystal has a small chance of growing since the chance of randomly colliding with other uric acid molecules is very small. But, as the seed crystals slowly accumulate and grow in size, the chance of colliding with random uric acid crystal molecules is larger, Hence, the growth is exponential. The larger it is, the faster it grows.
The Bitter Truth
The sad truth is, even when you try to pay the debt, if you pay with the wrong currency, it will not go away. Medications for gout does nothing useful. For instance, allopurinol, will not flush the uric acid out, but will only pause the production. Even colchicine will not lower uric acid. In fact it will cause a plethora of side effects. The cost outweighs the benefit for both medications.
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