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How to Dissolve uric acid kidney stones NATURALLY?

One of the most terrifying disease that can accompany gout is the uric acid kidney stones. What’s more terrifying is, there is a good chance that a gout sufferer will also encounter uric acid kidney stones at least once in his lifetime. The worst part, is the way the operation is done when a patient decides to go for it. The kidney stone is bombarded with a shockwave so that it will explode inside you. Hence, many look for a natural way do dissolve uric acid kidney stones.

I need you to maintain an open mind, because this article will discuss unconventional ways of dealing with uric acid kidney stones, and in the process, end your gout as and added bonus.

Why Remove the Uric Acid Kidney Stones and Gout NOW?

This is because the underlying cause of uric acid kidney stones and gout, which is uric acid, will definitely wreak havoc in your body, and leave a trail of other degenerative diseases in the wake of the destruction it caused. So how does it happen?

The high concentration of uric acid, and any other acids in your bloodstream, means high concentration of free radicals. This is because acidity is the concentration of hydrogen atoms, and hydrogen is the best example of a free radical.

The electron of an atom are supposed to be in pairs for them to be stable. If they do not have a pair, they either steal the electron of other atoms, or bind with them to create a shared pair. This alters the chemical composition of the atom thus causing damage. Since hydrogen only has a single electron, it always cause wanton destruction by altering the chemical compositions of those around it. This includes your cells, and can lead to cancer, insulin resistance (and eventually diabetes) and a myriad of other degenerative diseases.

Hence, there is no reason to wait before you flush uric acid out once and for all. Mark my words: once the uric acid is flushed out, both the uric acid kidney stone and gout will end. FOREVER

Dissolving Uric Acid Kidney Stones

Doctors usually suggest taking lots of water in order to flush the stone out. This is true and effective, but there are lots of ways for you to increase its effectiveness

Uric ACID, without a doubt, is an acid. If we will have a review about basic chemistry, we will realize that there is only one thing that can neutralize acids: alkaline!

Therefore, we will take advantage of both water and alkaline to neutralize both the uric acid in your body and the uric acid kidney stone. As alkaline water dissolves the uric acid crystal, the uric acid in your body is flushed out thus avoiding further gout and kidney stones.

The question now is, where will you get alkaline water? You can get them by installing a water ionizer, though that costs literally thousands of dollars. Alternatively and more effectively, you can use ionic calcium to increase the pH of your water. A good example of ionic calcium is Calkaline.
Other than the alkalizing effect, ionic calcium will reduce the chance of formation of kidney stones from Calcium Oxalate as ionic calcium “picks-up” the excess oxalate in your digestive system thus preventing it from being absorbed by the urinary tract. If you suffer from uric acid, you need such protection because to protect your kidney, you need magnesium which can only be found in most purine rich foods such as spinach, so it is either a choice of “gout or kidney stone? Which will you avoid? Which will you suffer?” as eating purine will give you magnesium but will give you uric acid as well.

Are you tired of being awakened late midnight by the burning inflammation of gout? Are you tired of the everyday obstruction caused by inflamed joints? Or maybe you are tired of horrifying cries of pain from the people you love who suffer from gout? You are missing a lot of things because of the restraints of gout. You want freedom? Worry no more. There is a natural yet effective approach in eliminating those problems. Mark my words: kill the roots and the grass will no longer grow. Eliminate acidosis and cure your gout!


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